Nutritionists across the world recommend you follow a balanced diet. Here’s why.
Most people associate losing weight with calorie restrictions, but science has proven time and again that starvation is not the recommended way to lose weight. The more you force yourself to stick to only certain types of food the more likely you are to binge on everything you consider unhealthy. In such a case, a balanced diet is the right way to go about losing weight for the long run.
But, what even is a balanced diet?
A balanced diet is one which takes into consideration your daily caloric needs and prescribes a healthy mix of protein, carbohydrates, fats, nutrients, and minerals. It does not restrict you to certain kinds of food; instead, it offers all kinds of food with varying levels of moderation. For example, it prescribes that you eat healthier food more often than you do food that has low nutritional value. On such a diet, you can eat all your favourite foods, but in moderation.

A Balanced Diet Creates Healthy Habits
How is it beneficial?
This diet does not categorise food into good or bad. This goes a long way in creating healthy eating habits as there is no form of deprivation. Hence, nutritionists often recommend balanced diets to people who struggle with eating disorders (such as binge eating disorder). Even otherwise, a balanced diet has proven to help people develop healthy habits, become mindful of what they eat, and lose weight for the long run.
And, how can you follow a balanced diet?
It’s fairly simple – balance your diet. Find a suitable mix of food that has a high nutritional makeup, and food that you enjoy munching on. Draw a balance, and enjoy your food in a way that it not only tastes good, but also makes you feel healthy and energetic. At the end of the day, you are losing weight to feel better. Ensure your diet does that too.