Easy Exercises to Lose Weight: Specially Crafted for Beginners

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” The best time to start your fitness journey is now. And, you don’t even need fancy equipment or gym membership for it! All you need are comfortable workout clothes, a bottle of water, a yoga mat, a few weight dumbells (or DIY

Healthy Habits to Follow Everyday: 5 Tips for Consistent Weight Loss

Most of us want to be fit and look good. But, sometimes, life gets in the way. With the chaos of the city and stress from work, diet and exercise often take the backseat. However, when a special occasion comes up, people believe they’ll be able to drop 20+ pounds

Mixed Martial Arts Training for Fitness

Modern mixed martial arts training evolved from the ancient Asian cultures of Japan, China, and Korea. They are systematic traditions of combat developed for several reasons. The early systems primarily served self-defense purposes, especially for the military and law enforcement. However, over the centuries, they evolved, and now they are

Swimming to Lose Weight: Is It Effective?

Swimming has always been a part of our routines – whether it was your afternoon lap for a change of scenery, or a brunch dip on vacation. But, recently people have started swimming to lose weight easily. It is increasingly becoming popular as a cardio routine. In fact, nutritionists and

How To Change Your Workout Routine

Finding a workout routine that is in tune with your preferences and requirements is often a dream come true. This is why most people tend to stick to their workout routines for a while; of course with the added ego boost of breezing through what you once failed to get

Doga for Beginners: How to Do Yoga with Your Dogs

Yoga With Dogs: a new form of yoga that is trending.  Yoga has proven its importance in one’s daily routine – it improves circulation, regulates breathing, and brings your mind to rest. But, can you do yoga with your dog? The dog who’s been jumping on the couch, dropped his