Here's Why It Works
Been trying for month? Sweating it out at the gym? Religiously following a low calorie diet? Still seeing no results? It’s time to nudge the weighing scale in the right direction. Do a little extra something. Combine the intake of black coffee with your regular exercise routine and low-calorie diet. And, experience quick and easy weight loss in a short period of time!
Yes, black coffee! If you enjoy coffee first thing in the morning as a fuel for the day ahead, you are in luck. Along with helping you wake up and start your day, coffee packs in more bonus perks that can help you in shedding those extra kilos.
In the order of their concentration from highest to lowest, they are chlorogenic acid, quinic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, phosphoric acid, linoleic acid, and palmitic acid. Out of these, chlorogenic acid is an effective antioxidant. When you have black coffee post-meal, chlorogenic acid decelerates the absorption of carbohydrates. It also aids in the release of glucose from the food in the bloodstream. As a result, the body does not store fats and there are fewer calories to burn for the body, leading to slow and steady weight loss.
It boosts metabolism and enhances the energy levels of the body. With a higher, more active metabolism, the body can digest food quicker. It can also burn more calories in the process. An improved metabolism combats lethargy and can motivate you to work out harder.
A lot of people drink a cup of black coffee right before starting an intense workout. The reason why people prefer to drink black coffee before beginning to work out is the boost that it provides to the metabolism. It allows them to reap all the benefits of the workout and burn as many calories as they can.
Of course, coffee, in no way, is a replacement for a healthy and balanced meal. But during the day, whenever you need it, having a steaming cup of freshly brewed coffee can prove beneficial. This is especially true when you experience bouts of sugar cravings or untimely hunger pangs between meals. Coffee helps you suppress the hunger pang, thereby preventing you from eating unhealthy, sugary junk.
Having a cup of black coffee after your meals can significantly reduce the chances of feeling bloated and heavy. Similarly, black coffee also helps in relieving water retention. Usually, if your body is not sufficiently hydrated, it tends to hold on to whatever water it can. When you drink enough water, the body does not need to hold on to excess water. Black coffee helps in reducing water retention, thereby shedding a few kilos. However, you must understand, loss of water retention is not a permanent loss of weight and you must regularly hydrate yourself sufficiently.
It can help in burning the stubborn belly fat by and take you one step closer to the flat tummy you dream of! It works by breaking down the fat stored in the belly and signaling the nervous system to use these fatty acids as a source of energy instead of glycogen. But black coffee is a part of the solution and not the complete solution. That is, you still need to work out and eat well if you want that flat tummy, you can just use black coffee to aid your efforts. Who knew your favorite beverage could have such amazing effects on your body?
Our body can quickly adapt and become immune to the weight loss benefits of coffee. It is important to limit the intake of coffee to a maximum of two cups in a day to enjoy the full benefits that black coffee has to offer.
Adding sugar or any artificial sweetener to the coffee will completely negate its effects on the body. If you want to enhance the flavor of your coffee, you can add a dash of lime or nut milk. If you wish to sweeten your coffee a tad bit, you can add a teaspoon of raw, organic honey or some jaggery to it. Sugary Frappuccino will only make matters worse.
As we said, black coffee in combination with a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet, and a consistent workout routine can do wonders for your weight loss journey. We all love coffee, it’s time we put our love for coffee to good use and shed those pesky kilos in the process!
If you want to know more about the weight loss benefits of the black coffee, you should consult a nutritionist before adding black coffee to your routine. However, a couple of cups of black coffee will only make you more energetic without having any side effects on your health.
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