Reflexology Treatment, Points, and Techniques

To begin with, what is reflexology treatment? And, what are reflexology points? Reflexology treatment involves the application of pressure of various degrees at different points on the feet and hands, the ‘reflex areas’ of the body. Proponents believe that our feet and hands connect different organs of our bodies via

Japanese Water Therapy and Its Many Benefits

To begin with, what is water therapy? Simply put, when you use water for therapeutic reasons, you partake in water therapy. Japanese water therapy recommends that you drink five to six glasses of pure water, room temperature, or warm, right after waking up in the morning. You do this before

Sustainable Living: Tips, Ideas, Examples, and Everything Else

First off, what is sustainable living? Sustainable living is the lifestyle choice that focuses on reducing one’s demands for Earth’s resources. Simply put, a sustainable lifestyle is one that you can easily sustain over a long period. It has the least impact, generates the least amount of waste, and is

Holistic Healing: Everything You Need to Know

First off, what is holistic healing? Holistic healing is the practice of medicine that does not view a person as just a patient suffering from an ailment. Instead, it takes into consideration all the dimensions of a person – body, mind, and soul. The basic principle of a holistic approach to

Alternative Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

As the name suggests, alternative therapy takes a holistic approach to health care. Instead of traditional or conventional medicine, they provide a means to alternative therapies in health and medicine. This does not form a part of the standard health care. It does not follow the rules set by hospitals

Feeling Stressed? Understand what causes stress and identify effective techniques to reduce stress

First, what leads to you feeling stressed? Stress is our body’s reaction to an unfavorable situation or threat. An imbalance between your responsibilities and your abilities leads to you feeling stressed. You know what you need to do, but are unsure of whether you will deliver. In such a situation,

Healthy Bulk Meals: Easy Recipes for the Week

We walk a tightrope trying to balance our work life and social life. Throw in trying to stay fit in the mix and it gets a little too much at times. Workweeks are fairly hectic, and we barely get time to eat. Let alone eat healthily. And, so we often


Easy Weight Loss Tip: Just Drink Water!

We’re pretty sure every waking day you get yet another reminder why drinking more water is good for your health. And, we’re here to tell you again: Drink. More. Water! It’s also an easy weight loss tip.  Water keeps your body hydrated, maintains the mineral level of your system, and

Wake Up Looking Fresh (Even with Zero Hours of Sleep)

Sleep is an incredibly important part of life – for all mammals, birds, humans, etc. But, with the way the world is changing, sometimes removing eight hours is no easy task! So, how do you wake up looking fresh despite reduced sleeping hours (and, in some cases, absolute lack of

Get Rid of Acne – Permanently, Easily, Naturally

To understand how to get rid of acne, you should first understand what acne is. Multiple beauty products are invented with the aim to get rid of acne. But, the first step in getting rid of it is understanding what it actually is. Acne is a skin condition where hair