Easy Exercises to Lose Weight: Specially Crafted for Beginners

“The secret to getting ahead is getting started.” The best time to start your fitness journey is now. And, you don’t even need fancy equipment or gym membership for it! All you need are comfortable workout clothes, a bottle of water, a yoga mat, a few weight dumbells (or DIY

Healthy Habits to Follow Everyday: 5 Tips for Consistent Weight Loss

Most of us want to be fit and look good. But, sometimes, life gets in the way. With the chaos of the city and stress from work, diet and exercise often take the backseat. However, when a special occasion comes up, people believe they’ll be able to drop 20+ pounds

Secrets of Longevity: 7 Ways to Live A Long Healthy Life

A long and healthy life is a boon few people are blessed with. But, there are a number of different habits you can adopt to ensure you are one of them. In fact, more and more studies are being conducted to understand these habits and the secrets of longevity. Scientists study super-agers

Eat Organic Foods On A Budget – 5 Simple Ways

Organic food grows without the usage of synthetic chemicals such as fertilizers, insecticides, pesticides, and GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms). When you eat organic foods, you can rest assured that they do not contain artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. It is free from a bunch of synthetic chemicals that should not

Meditation for Anxiety and Stress: The Hows & Whys

We are often just the tip away from experiencing chronic stress. This is why it is important to take the time out for yourself. Do mindful meditation for anxiety, breathing exercises for stress, and check in with yourself from time to time. An average person today tends to juggle and

Lose Weight With a Desk Job: Easy to Follow Tips

Our lives have become more and more sedentary in the last few decades. More people now work on a desk for eight hours every day. They do not know how to lose weight with a desk job. Our ancestors, on the other hand, did not even need to. Our previous generations

How to Lose Weight Without Working Out

Everyone always says, “Ah! If only I could lose weight without working out.” The truth is – you can! Weight loss is primarily determined by your diet and your lifestyle. When trying to lose weight, it is important to understand that your workout only holds 20% weightage on your weight loss


Healthy Nails: Learn the Basics & Do It At Home!

Healthy nails are a great indicator of your self care routine. Not only do they show people you know how to present yourself well, they also keep your internal health balanced. Nails are like tiny shields that protect the most sensitive part of our bodies, our fingers, and toes. We

Wake Up Looking Fresh (Even with Zero Hours of Sleep)

Sleep is an incredibly important part of life – for all mammals, birds, humans, etc. But, with the way the world is changing, sometimes removing eight hours is no easy task! So, how do you wake up looking fresh despite reduced sleeping hours (and, in some cases, absolute lack of

Get Rid of Acne – Permanently, Easily, Naturally

To understand how to get rid of acne, you should first understand what acne is. Multiple beauty products are invented with the aim to get rid of acne. But, the first step in getting rid of it is understanding what it actually is. Acne is a skin condition where hair