Lose Weight With a Desk Job: Easy to Follow Tips

Our lives have become more and more sedentary in the last few decades. More people now work on a desk for eight hours every day. They do not know how to lose weight with a desk job. Our ancestors, on the other hand, did not even need to. Our previous generations

Quick and Easy Weight Loss: Drink Black Coffee!

Been trying for month? Sweating it out at the gym? Religiously following a low calorie diet? Still seeing no results?  It’s time to nudge the weighing scale in the right direction. Do a little extra something. Combine the intake of black coffee with your regular exercise routine and low-calorie diet.

Easy Weight Loss Tip: Just Drink Water!

We’re pretty sure every waking day you get yet another reminder why drinking more water is good for your health. And, we’re here to tell you again: Drink. More. Water! It’s also an easy weight loss tip.  Water keeps your body hydrated, maintains the mineral level of your system, and

Dangers of Crash Diets: Skip the Short Term

We would be lying if we said that we have never fallen prey to modern crash diets. With our fast-paced lives zipping by us, we are becoming more physically inactive by the day. This is often accompanied by a growing leniency towards unhealthy food choices. There is also a growing dependency

How to Lose Weight Without Working Out

Everyone always says, “Ah! If only I could lose weight without working out.” The truth is – you can! Weight loss is primarily determined by your diet and your lifestyle. When trying to lose weight, it is important to understand that your workout only holds 20% weightage on your weight loss

Lose Weight Without Dieting: 9 Tips for Rapid Weight Loss

Weight loss is increasingly becoming a prominent part of our day to day lives. This is especially true now as people adapt to the new normal, and find ways to make do for all the binge eating that happened during the lock down. And yet, more and more nutritionists and

Alcohol Makes You Fat

We’ve all been there – the next day after a heavy night of drinking finding that last pizza slice, guzzling down potato chips, and essentially spending the entire day in bed. Why does a night of heavy drinking leave you with zero motivation to work out? How do those kilos


5 Simple Ways to Lose Weight Quickly & Easily

While the lockdown was instrumental in stopping the spread of Coronavirus, it had a nasty drawback – weight gain. Due to decreased exercise and increased stress, people across the world have reported weight gain as a side effect of the lockdown. And now that it is coming to an end,

Aloe Vera for Quick and Easy Weight Loss

Aloe Vera, also called ‘the miracle ingredient’ scores major points for its versatility and ease of use. Its usage spans across everything from the treatment for burns and cuts to skin rejuvenation. It is now slowly and steadily making its place as a supplement for quick and easy weight loss.