Easy Weight Loss Tip: Just Drink Water!

We’re pretty sure every waking day you get yet another reminder why drinking more water is good for your health. And, we’re here to tell you again: Drink. More. Water! It’s also an easy weight loss tip.  Water keeps your body hydrated, maintains the mineral level of your system, and


Dangers of Crash Diets: Skip the Short Term

We would be lying if we said that we have never fallen prey to modern crash diets. With our fast-paced lives zipping by us, we are becoming more physically inactive by the day. This is often accompanied by a growing leniency towards unhealthy food choices. There is also a growing dependency

How to Lose Weight Without Working Out

Everyone always says, “Ah! If only I could lose weight without working out.” The truth is – you can! Weight loss is primarily determined by your diet and your lifestyle. When trying to lose weight, it is important to understand that your workout only holds 20% weightage on your weight loss

Healthy Nails: Learn the Basics & Do It At Home!

Healthy nails are a great indicator of your self care routine. Not only do they show people you know how to present yourself well, they also keep your internal health balanced. Nails are like tiny shields that protect the most sensitive part of our bodies, our fingers, and toes. We

Wake Up Looking Fresh (Even with Zero Hours of Sleep)

Sleep is an incredibly important part of life – for all mammals, birds, humans, etc. But, with the way the world is changing, sometimes removing eight hours is no easy task! So, how do you wake up looking fresh despite reduced sleeping hours (and, in some cases, absolute lack of

Eight Hours of Sleep – Get It Daily and Make Good Use of It

We all know how important it is to get eight hours of sleep every night. But how many of us make it a priority? We prioritize everything else over having a good, restful night of sleep. It can be a project in school or a presentation at work. Staying up

Here’s How to Get Flawless Beauty Without Makeup

Our skin is the largest organ of our body and is also the first barrier that shields us from external elements. Conscious efforts to keep the skin healthy go a long way to ensure that this barrier is strong. In fact, when you look after your skin, you can easily

Avoid This to Remove Dark Circles Under Eyes Permanently

Under-eye circles or dark circles is a common concern in both men and women. It is a benign condition that causes the delicate skin around the eyes to become darker. It also leads to pigmentation and baggy skin around the eyes. It can make people look older than they are.

Frizzy Hair No More! Give your mane the attention it deserves.

Let us start by acknowledging this: Your hair is beautiful. Every hair type is beautiful. Your hair is unique to you. It is a part of who you are. Irrespective of the hair type, your hair deserves respect and a little tender love and cares now and then. Daily wear

Homemade Hair Treatments For Every Hair Type

With our busy lifestyles, our hair has to go through so much. Externally, sun, dust, and pollution can leave our hair dull and lifeless. Internally, poor eating habits and stress can lead to hair fall and premature greying. While a holistic approach to hair care teaches us to get our