What Is A Balanced Diet?

Nutritionists across the world recommend you follow a balanced diet. Here’s why. Most people associate losing weight with calorie restrictions, but science has proven time and again that starvation is not the recommended way to lose weight. The more you force yourself to stick to only certain types of food


How To Change Your Workout Routine

Finding a workout routine that is in tune with your preferences and requirements is often a dream come true. This is why most people tend to stick to their workout routines for a while; of course with the added ego boost of breezing through what you once failed to get

The Verdict on Organic Food

Organic food products gained popularity pretty rapidly and became a thing almost as soon as they came out. They were everywhere, and they still are. The only difference is now people are trying to understand their merits. Are they really as good as they claim to be? Demand for Organic Food

The Link Between Food and Mental Health

The link between food and mental health is a controversial topic, but a necessary discussion. People are giving it more attention now. Researchers are publishing an increasing number of studies everyday to understand the link between food and mental health. Key questions define these studies. Can a poor diet cause

Doga for Beginners: How to Do Yoga with Your Dogs

Yoga With Dogs: a new form of yoga that is trending.  Yoga has proven its importance in one’s daily routine – it improves circulation, regulates breathing, and brings your mind to rest. But, can you do yoga with your dog? The dog who’s been jumping on the couch, dropped his

Get Glowing Skin Easily: How to Use Aloe Vera for Skin Care

Glowing Skin Hacks: Use Aloe Vera Aloe Vera has become an omnipresent ingredient in most products in the health and wellness space. This is because it has various benefits: natural makeup, rich nutritional composition, versatility, and ease of use. Most importantly, it is because it works as a natural remedy

Aloe Vera for Quick and Easy Weight Loss

Aloe Vera, also called ‘the miracle ingredient’ scores major points for its versatility and ease of use. Its usage spans across everything from the treatment for burns and cuts to skin rejuvenation. It is now slowly and steadily making its place as a supplement for quick and easy weight loss.